Biology Reference
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1. Klubicová K, Ber
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(2011) Agricultural recovery of a formerly radio-
active area: I. Establishment of high-resolution
quantitative protein map of mature fl ax seeds
harvested from the remediated Chernobyl area.
Phytochemistry 72:1308-1315
2. Klubicová K, Danchenko M, Skultety L et al
(2011) Agricultural recovery of a formerly
radioactive area: II. Systematic proteomic char-
acterization of fl ax seed development in the
remediated Chernobyl area. J Proteomics
3. Hajduch M, Hearne LB, Miernyk JA et al
(2010) Systems analysis of seed fi lling in
Arabidopsis: using general linear modeling to
assess concordance of transcript and protein
expression. Plant Physiol 152:2078-2087
4. Danchenko M, Skultety L, Rashydov NM et al
(2009) Proteomic analysis of mature soybean
seeds from the Chernobyl area suggests plant
adaptation to the contaminated environment.
J Proteome Res 8:2915-2922
5. Klubicová K, Danchenko M, Skultety L, et al
(2012) Soybeans Grown in the Chernobyl Area
Produce Fertile Seeds that Have Increased
Heavy Metal Resistance and Modifi ed Carbon
Metabolism. PLoS One 7(10):e48169
6. Klubicová K, Danchenko M, Skultety L et al
(2010) Proteomics analysis of fl ax grown in
Chernobyl area suggests limited effect of con-
taminated environment on seed proteome.
Environ Sci Technol 44:6940-6946
7. Hurkman WJ, Tanaka CK (1986) Solubilization
of plant membrane proteins for analysis by two-
dimensional gel electrophoresis. Plant Physiol
8. Bradford MM (1976) A rapid and sensitive
method for the quantitation of microgram quan-
tities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-
dye binding. Anal Biochem 72:248-254
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