Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 1
Large-scale plant genome sequencing projects [ 5 ] and representative proteome databases
Proteome database
Malpighiales California poplar,
Soybean, Medicago,
Proteomics of Oilseeds, Soybean
Proteome Databes, SoyKB,
PPDB, AtProteome, ProMEX,
SUBA, PhosPhAt, AT_
Rhamnales Wine grape
Tomato(P), Potato(P) plprot
Rice, Sorghum,
Corn, Purple
false brome(P)
PPDB, Rice Proteome Database,
OryzaPG-DB, plprot, DIPOS,
The phylogenetic tree among the orders is based on the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classifi cation [ 6 ]. The letter ā€œPā€
attached to an organism name means that large-scale sequencing analysis of the genome is still in progress [ 5 ]
These proteomic data also need to be integrated and organized in
databases that enable us to retrieve, leverage, and share public data
through up-to-date computational technology such as the latest data
management systems and Web-interface techniques.
This overview of the large-scale genome sequencing studies
and the status of proteomic data repositories will provide a guide
for datasets currently available and also those that should be
prepared in future studies. We positioned large-scale sequencing
projects [ 5 ] and major proteomic databases on a phylogenetic tree
of fl owering plants that was based on the biological classifi cation
by the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group [ 6 ] (Table 1 ). In the dicot
plants, large-scale genome sequences have been analyzed across
various orders of the biological classifi cation. In the monocot
plants large-scale genome sequences are localized in the order
Poales, which includes the major cereal grain species. Many pro-
teomic databases have been developed for the model dicot plant
Arabidopsis thaliana such as AtProteome [ 7 ], ProMEX [ 8 ], and
SUBA [ 9 ]. For monocot plants, rice databases such as the Rice
Proteome Database [ 10 ] and OryzaPG-DB [ 11 ] have been devel-
oped. The PPDB [ 12 , 13 ] covers two major species in dicots and
monocots, A . thaliana and maize ( Zea mays ). The Proteomics of
Oilseeds [ 14 ] and Soybean Proteome Database [ 15 ] store pro-
teomic data primarily based on 2-DE in legumes. The plprot [ 16 ]
database specializes in plant plastids and covers A . thaliana ,
tobacco, and rice. AtPID [ 17 ] contains large-scale protein-protein
interaction data. Such molecular interaction databases have been
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