Biology Reference
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Fig. 2 Two-dimensional electrophoresis analysis of elicited extracellular medium obtained from grapevine cell
cultures (cv. Gamay). ( a ) 2D gel sample images of the control and the three elicitation treatments, showing the
set of selected spots in the experiment. At the top to the right, the pI and Mw (kDa) values are provided for
reference. ( b ) PCA bi-plot of the two fi rst principal components. Together they both explained 71 % of the
selected spot variability, and the third principal component only explained an additional 5 %. Colored dots and
numbers represent the gels and spots, respectively. ( c ) Standardized expression profi les separated into
expression pattern clusters. Each line represents the standardized abundance of a spot across all the gels and
belongs to one of the four clusters generated by hierarchical cluster analysis implemented in Progenesis
SameSpots. ( d ) 2D gel sample image showing the location of the selected spots and its pertaining to a cluster
by a color code. Dots: pink (control), blue (methyl jasmonate, MeJA), purple (methyl β-cyclodextrin, MBCD),
light brown (MBCD+MeJA). Numbers, clusters, and spot boundaries: light blue (cluster 1 spots), red (cluster 2
spots), light green (cluster 3 spots), light brown (cluster 4 spots). (For interpretation of the references to color
in this fi gure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this chapter.) (Reproduced from [ 23 ] with
permission from Elsevier) (color fi gure online)
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