Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
2.6 Bioinformatic
Analysis of Proteins
Identifi ed by MS
1. TargetP: [ 23 ].
2. Predotar:
html [ 24 ].
3. PSORT: .
4. GPIsom: [ 25 ].
5. BigPI: [ 26 ].
6. PROSITE: [ 27 ].
7. PFAM: [ 28 ].
8. InterProScan: [ 29 ].
9. BLAST: [ 30 ].
10. CD-search:
wrpsb.cgi [ 31 ].
11. ProTerNyc:
[ 32 ].
The overall strategy from xylem sap harvesting to protein identifi -
cation by MS and bioinformatics analysis is schematized on Fig. 1 .
3.1 Plant Production
1. Sow seeds on loam. Place pots in the greenhouse. After 15
days, repot seedlings individually in peat pots containing loam.
Place pots in the greenhouse for 3-4 weeks.
2. Water plants regularly ( see Note 7 ). Give fertilizer once a week.
3.2 Xylem Sap
( See Note 8 )
1. Put 5-6 week-old plants (3-4 pairs of leaves) in mini-
greenhouses placed in the lab at room temperature ( see Notes
9 - 10 ) for one night. Pots must be saturated with water.
2. Cut stems horizontally above the fi rst pair of leaves with a
razor blade ( see Note 11 ). Rinse thoroughly with water and
dry with paper towels.
3. Collect regularly drops of xylem sap exuding on the surface of
the cut with a Micropipette (Fig. 1 ) ( see Note 12 ). Store sap at
−20 °C if rapidly used or at −80 °C for long conservation.
4. Harvest during 10-12 h. Number each fraction. Discard the
two fi rst fractions and pool other fractions ( see Note 13 ).
Routinely, 0.7 mL/plant/day of xylem sap was collected.
3.3 Preparation
of the Protein Extract
1. After harvesting of the xylem sap, dialyze the samples (about
20 mL) against buffer B1 in a Mega GeBAfl ex-tube. Dialysis is
performed against a large volume of buffer B1 (100-1,000-
fold that of the sample) for 3 h at 4 °C. Change dialysis buffer
B1 and continue dialysis for another 3 h.
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