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Fig. 1 Application of the Selpex approach to a 120- and 30-min LC-MS analysis. Mean ion intensity of three
biological replicates for ( a ) target m/z during 120-min shotgun LC-MS DDP scan analysis, ( b ) 120-min shotgun
LC-MS FS analysis, ( c ) 30-min shotgun LC-MS FS analysis
high-abundance peptides might be dampened. However, the FS
analysis enhances ion count on MS1 level that is reduced during a
DDP MS analysis and therefore enables signifi cant reduction of
MS runtime (Fig. 1 ). Runtime for the Selpex approach is linear to
the number of samples. The analysis of three replicates including
ProtMAX processing and identifi cation time took about 5 min ( see
Note 7 ). The list of selected peptide targets is very fl exible, is easy
to extend, and can be adapted according to specifi c goals.
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