Biology Reference
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A faster but less effi cient protocol to extract protein is as
1. Grow and recover the cells as described above.
2. Resuspend the pellet in 50
l of 2× Laemmli sample buffer.
The cells can then be broken by freezing on dry ice followed
by boiling for 5 min prior to loading on an SDS polyacryl-
amide gel (about 15
To evaluate the toxicity on yeast growth produced by the
expression of the bait, compare the size of the yeast colonies trans-
formed with pGBKT7 (empty vector) or pGBKT7 + bait. If the
bait is toxic, the colonies containing the bait vector will be signifi -
cantly smaller than colonies containing the empty pGBKT7 vector
( see Note 3 ).
As a fi rst step for any two-hybrid screen, it is imperative to confi rm
that your bait does not autonomously activate the reporter genes
in the absence of a prey protein.
Testing the Bait
for Autoactivation
1. Transform yeast cells with 300 ng of the bait vector and inocu-
late onto plates of MM without tryptophan to select the trans-
formants (100
l of 10 −1 and 10 −2 dilution).
2. Use sterile toothpicks or inoculating lops to transfer (make
small streaks of 2-3 mm in length of each colony) at least fi ve
yeast colonies onto the following media:
(a) IM-LS, IM-MS and IM-HS (add leucine if cells are trans-
formed only with the bait plasmid) to detect autoactivation.
(b) MM without tryptophan to confi rm the presence of the
plasmid and check yeast growth.
3. Invert the plates and incubate at 30 °C until colonies appear
(3-5 days). Growth should be detected only in MM, otherwise
the bait clone autoactivates ( see Note 4 ).
Most cDNA libraries contain over 10 6 individual cDNAs in
AD- GAL4 vectors. To isolate the less abundant cDNAs it is
required to obtain 2-3 × 10 6 yeast transformants. Because most
common yeast two-hybrid strains transformation effi ciency is
around 10 5 transformants per
3.1.2 Library Screening
by Co-transformation
g of library plasmid DNA, a large-
volume transformation or several individual transformations are
usually required to obtain the desired number of total transfor-
mants. An exploratory transformation should be performed with
the selected strain to determine the transformation effi ciency.
A yeast transformation protocol readjusted to obtain up to
3 × 10 7 co-transformants is described (Fig. 2 ):
1. Streak an YPDA agar plate with cells from a frozen yeast stock.
Incubate the plate upside down at 30 °C until colonies appear
(~3 days).
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