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the number 355—appearing in 2007—devoted to plants (Plant
Proteomics. Methods and Protocols, edited by H. Thiellement,
M. Zivi, C. Damerval, and V. Mechin). The great advances made
in the last 5 years within the fi eld justifi ed the reedition of this
topic in which last advancements, dispersed in the original litera-
ture, have been compiled and organized in just a single topic.
Proteomics can be thought as a holistic or as a targeted
approach, depending on the initial hypothesis, fi rstly from the
most general (proteins are responsible for the phenotypic differ-
ences among biological samples) and secondly to the most specifi c
ones (specifi c proteins or gene products, or groups of proteins
according to their physicochemical or biological properties that are
involved in the biological phenomenon studied). At the method-
ological level, proteomics research was originally based on 2-DE
protein separation coupled to MS analysis of spots (fi rst genera-
tion), moving then to LC-based shotgun strategies (second gen-
eration), and later to quantitation approaches including label and
label-free variants (third generation). Selected or multiple reaction
monitoring (SRM, MRM) hypothesis-driven approaches consti-
tute the last, fourth generation. Innovation in proteomics, impli-
cating a change in the paradigm research within the fi eld, allows
researchers to apply the scientifi c method [ 3 ].
Proteomics should be considered as a young discipline, so it is
not surprising the daily appearance of some novelty. Advances in
proteomics have been made possible due to continuous improve-
ments in protein extraction, purifi cation and separation, mass spec-
trometry analysis and equipment, developments of bioinformatics
tools and algorithms for data analysis, protein identifi cation, quan-
tifi cation and characterization. It resulted in the creation and
establishment of quite a number of databases and repositories
where information on the proteome of a number of plant species is
stored and updated ( see Chapter 3 ) . The advances in MS, without
any doubt, have mainly led to the big progress of the fi eld ( see
Chapter 6 ) . As summarized by JJ Thelen and JA Miernyk [ 4 ]
recent improvements in sensitivity, mass accuracy, and fragmentation
have led to achievements previously only dreamed of, including whole-
proteome identifi cation, and quantifi cation and extensive mapping of
specifi c PTMs (posttranslational modifi cations); with such capabilities
at present, one might conclude that proteomics has already reached its
zenith; however, 'capability' indicates that the envisioned goals have
not yet been achieved.
Proteomics, depending on the research objectives, can be
divided in subareas, being the more relevant: descriptive ( see
Chapters 26 - 30 ) , subcellular ( see Chapters 31 - 36 ), comparative
( see Chapters 37 - 39 ) , posttranslational ( see Chapters 40 - 45 ) ,
interactomics ( see Chapters 46 and 47 ), proteinomics ( see Chapter
48 ) , and translational ( see Chapters 49 - 52 ). Most works on plant
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