Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
15 The Essentials
of Planning
by Bill Fink
pricey Italy. In the pages that follow, we'll cover all the essential information, from
when to go, to where to book, to what travelers with special needs—families, peo-
ple with disabilities, and others—need to know before they hop on the plane.
Spring and fall (Apr to early June and Sept-Oct), are the best times to visit Italy.
Temperatures are lower, crowds are fewer, and the country is open for business. Late
June through August, tourists overrun the country, the sun is blazing, and 90% of
the country is on vacation in August (mostly at the same beach), with many hotels,
restaurants, and some sights closed. November through March is the cheapest time
to visit, with most hotels charging off-season rates and airfares being significantly less
expensive. But, like in August, many locals take vacation during this time, which
means a shortage of good restaurant and hotel options, and limited hours at sights.
Italy's Major Festivals
You may want to gear your visit to one of the following special celebrations. Yes, prices
for hotels will be at their peak during these times, but the excitement of seeing these
events may well make the splurge a worthy one.
Easter Holiday Celebrations: Virtually
every city in Italy has a series of tradi-
tional celebrations during Holy Week. The
Vatican is obviously at the center of
things, with the Pope leading a proces-
sion across Rome. On Easter Sunday he
blesses the huge crowds from his balcony
at St. Peter's. Florence and Orvieto have
similar celebrations, known as Scoppio
del Carro (The Explosion of the Cart),
on Easter Sunday. A mechanical dove
drops from a wire to ignite a cart full of
fireworks, while oxen pull the cart in a
procession around town to the Duomo.
Maggio Musicale Fiorentino (Apr-June):
Opera, ballet, and modern music are pre-
sented in major Florence theaters and
there are some free piazza concerts.
Corso dei Ceri (Race of the Saints'
Candles; May 15): Gubbio becomes a mob
scene for this race of three 9m-tall (30-ft.)
shrines up the streets and the mountain
above the town.
Festival di Ravenna (mid-June to July):
Ravenna hosts a world-renowned classical-
music festival, with ballet and opera per-
formances also on the roster.
Calcio in Costume (late June): Florence
stages a series of medieval rugby matches
with players in traditional costume, with
the finals around June 24.
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