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Lavelle, P. and Kohlmann, B. (1984) Etude quantitative de la macrofaune du sol dans une forêt tropicale
humide du Mexique (Bonampak, Chiapas). Pedobiologia, 27 , 377-93.
Lavelle, P. (1984) The soil system in the humid tropics. Biology International, 9 , 2-15.
Lavelle, P. (1985) Les systèmes d'interaction ressources-populations-environnement. Bulletin d'Ecologie,
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Lavelle, P. (1986) Associations mutualistes avec la microflore du sol et richesse spécifique sous les tropiques:
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Lavelle, P., Barois, I., Fragoso, C. et al. (1987) Adaptative strategies of Pontoscolex corethrurus
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Lavelle, P. (1988) Assessing the abundance and role of invertebrate communities in tropical soils: aims and
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Lavelle, P., Melendez, G., Pashanasi, B. et al. (1992b) Nitrogen mineralization and reorganization in casts of
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Lavelle, P., Blanchart, E., Martin, A. et al. (1993) A hierarchical model for decomposition in terrestrial
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Lavelle, P., Lattaud, C. Trigo, D. et al. (1994a) Mutualism and biodiversity in soils. Plant and Soil,
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Lavelle, P., Dangerfield, M., Fragoso, C. et al . (1994b) The Relationship between soil macrofauna and
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Lavelle, P. (1997) Faunal activities and soil processes: adaptive strategies that determine ecosystem function.
Advances in Ecological Research, 27 , 93-132.
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Le Tacon, F. (1985) Les mycorhizes: une coopération entre plantes et champignons. La Recherche , 166 , 624-32.
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