Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
It's Easy Being Green
Here are a few simple ways you can help conserve fuel and energy when you
• Before traveling to Boston, visit the website of the Greater Boston Con-
vention & Visitors Bureau (, click “Press,” and
search for “Green News” to get the latest info about the bureau's Green
Visitors Program.
• Each time you take a flight or drive a car, greenhouse gases release into
the atmosphere. You can help neutralize this danger to the planet
through “carbon offsetting”—paying someone to invest your money in
programs that reduce your greenhouse gas emissions by the same
amount you've added. Before buying carbon-offset credits, make sure
you're using a reputable company with a proven program that invests in
renewable energy. Reliable carbon-offset companies include Carbonfund
(, TerraPass (, and Carbon Neu-
tral (
• Whenever possible, choose nonstop flights; they generally require less
fuel than indirect flights that stop and take off again. Try to fly during the
day—some scientists estimate that nighttime flights are twice as harmful
to the environment. And pack light—each 15 pounds of luggage on a
5,000-mile flight adds up to 50 pounds of carbon dioxide emitted.
• Where you stay during your travels can have a major environmental
impact. To determine the green credentials of a property, ask about trash
disposal and recycling, water conservation, and energy use; also question
if sustainable materials were used in the construction of the property. The
services information and details on how
to get an International Student Identity
Card (ISIC), which qualifies students for
substantial savings on rail passes, plane
tickets, entrance fees, and more. It also
provides students with basic health and
life insurance and a 24-hour helpline.
The card is valid for a maximum of 18
months. You can apply for the card
online or in person at STA Travel
( & 800/781-4040 in North America;
& 132 782 in Australia; & 0871 2 300
040 in the U.K.;, the
biggest student travel agency in the
world; check out the website to locate
STA Travel offices worldwide. If you're no
longer a student but are under 26, you
can get an International Youth Travel
Card (IYTC) from the same people,
which entitles you to some discounts.
Travel CUTS ( & 800/592-2887; www. offers similar services for
both Canadians and U.S. residents. Irish
students may prefer to turn to USIT
( & 01/602-1904;, an Ire-
land-based specialist in student, youth,
and independent travel.
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