Database Reference
In-Depth Information
When the restore has been completed, you will have a new copy of the database on
the local SQL Server instance.
SQL Server Managed Backup to
Microsoft Azure
Building on the ability to take a backup of a SQL Server database to a URL and
Microsoft Azure Storage, you can now set up Managed Backups of your SQL Server
databases to Microsoft Azure. It allows you to automate your database backups to
the Microsoft Azure Storage. All database administrators appreciate automation, as
it frees their time to focus on other projects. So, this feature will be useful to you. It's
fully customizable, and you can build your backup strategy around the transaction
workload of your database and set a retention policy.
Coniguring SQL Server-managed backups to
Microsoft Azure
In order to set up and conigure Managed Backups in SQL Server 2014, a new
stored procedure has been introduced to conigure Managed Backups on a speciic
database. The stored procedure is called smart_admin.sp_set_db_backup . The
syntax for the stored procedure is as follows:
EXEC smart_admin.sp_set_db_backup
[@database_name = ] 'database name'
,[@enable_backup = ] { 0 | 1}
,[@storage_url = ] 'storage url'
,[@retention_days = ] 'retention_period_in_days'
,[@credential_name = ] 'sql_credential_name'
,[@encryption_algorithm] 'name of the encryption algorithm'
,[@encryptor_type] {'CERTIFICATE' | 'ASYMMETRIC_KEY'}
,[@encryptor_name] 'name of the certificate or asymmetric key'
This stored procedure will be used to set up Managed Backups on the T3 database.
The SQL Server Agent will need to be running for this to work. In my case, I
executed the following code to enable Managed Backups on my T3 database:
Use msdb;
EXEC smart_admin.sp_set_db_backup @database_name='T3'
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