Database Reference
In-Depth Information
SQL Server 2014 Management Studio has been installed in this case; you can install
Management Studio from the SQL Server installation media if it is not installed
already. Installing SQL Server Management Studio is outside the scope of this topic.
The management portal will provide us with a Microsoft Azure server name, and
you can connect it to the server using the username and password created in the
earlier steps.
Before you connect, you will need to set up irewall rules to allow your laptop to
connect. Click on the Set up Windows Azure irewall rules for this IP address link.
The irewall rule can take a few minutes to take effect. Fire up SQL Server
Management Studio 2014 and connect it to the Windows Azure SQL Database. You
will need to specify the server name given to you when you created your Windows
SQL Azure Database and also the login name and password. Once you click on
Connect , you will then be connected to your Windows SQL Azure Database. You
will see that Object Explorer looks different in comparison to a local SQL Server
instance connection. You have three folders available: Databases , Security , and
Management . This is all you need.
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