Java Reference
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public ShowDocument(AppletContext c, JTextField t)
context = c;
textField = t;
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent a)
context.showStatus(“Showing document”);
URL url = null;
url = new URL(textField.getText());
}catch(MalformedURLException e)
context.showStatus(“Unable to display URL”);
String label = a.getActionCommand();
else if(label.equals(“Open in new window”))
context.showDocument(url, “_blank”);
Figure 14.15 shows the ContextDemo displayed in a Web browser. Let me
make a few comments about this applet:
The AppletContext for this applet is saved as a field in the class and ini-
tialized in the init() method. This is standard procedure with applets.
The start() method attempts to display a message on the status bar of the
browser's window. I noticed that each time I ran the applet, the browser
would override the status bar after this, so I never saw the message.
When either button is clicked, the actionPerformed() method in the
ShowDocument class is invoked. Setting the status bar to Showing
document worked every time.
The constructor throws a MalformedURLException if the
String passed in is not in the proper URL format.
Clicking the button labeled Show replaces the current page (con-
textdemo.html) with the URL entered in the text field.
Clicking the other button shows the entered URL in a new browser
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