Java Reference
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Tagging Interfaces (continued) is an example of a tagging interface that is not designed to be a par-
ent interface, but instead is meant to be implemented by a class so that objects of the class
become Serializable objects. The Serializable interface is defined as:
public interface Serializable
public static final long serialVersionUID;
Notice Serializable has one field, but no methods. A class can implement Serializable
simply by declaring implements Serializable , and no additional changes are required of the
class. The following Employee class implements the Serializable interface.
public class Employee implements
public String name, address;
public double weeklyPay;
public void computePay(int hoursWorked)
weeklyPay = hoursWorked * 6.50;
System.out.println(“Weekly pay for “ + name
+ “ is $” + weeklyPay);
public void mailCheck()
System.out.println(“Mailing check to “ + name
+ “ at “ + address);
Why implement an interface with no methods in it? What is different about the
Employee class now that it implements Serializable? Well, the answer is based on poly-
morphism. If a class implements an interface, objects of the class can be treated as the
interface data type. For example, an Employee object can be treated as a Serializable
Consider the following statements that use this Employee class. What is the output?
Employee e = new Employee();
if(e instanceof Employee)
System.out.println(“e is an Employee object”);
if(e instanceof
System.out.println(“e is a Serializable object”);
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