Java Reference
In-Depth Information
ClassCastException is the type of exception that occurs from poorly
written code. You should always use the instanceof operator to check the
data type of a reference before casting the reference, thereby averting any
chance of a ClassCastException.
The following InstanceOfDemo program in Listing 8.5 demonstrates the
instanceof operator. Study the program carefully and try to determine the out-
put, which is shown in Figure 8.2.
public class InstanceOfDemo
public static void main(String [] args)
Employee h = new Hourly(“Abe Lincoln”, “Springfield, IL”,
16, 8.00);
System.out.println(h.getName() + “ “ + h.getNumber());
if(h instanceof Salary)
System.out.println(“Casting to a Salary reference”);
Salary x = (Salary) h;
System.out.println(“Pay = “ + x.computePay());
else if(h instanceof Hourly)
System.out.println(“Casting to an Hourly reference”);
Hourly x = (Hourly) h;
System.out.println(“Pay = “ + x.computePay());
System.out.println(“\nDeliberately cast to the wrong type”);
Salary s = (Salary) h;
System.out.println(“End of main”);
Listing 8.5 The InstanceOfDemo program uses instanceof to verify the data type of a
reference before casting.
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