Java Reference
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6. Write a class named TestProgram that contains main(). The first
command-line argument (args[0]) is going to be the String to be
tested, and the second command-line argument (args[1]) is going to
be the double to be tested. Use the Double.parseDouble() method to
parse the second command-line argument into a double.
7. Within main(), assign the maxStringLength field of FormatTest to 12
and the minSize field to 100.00.
8. Invoke the testStringLength() and testDouble() methods, passing in
the corresponding command-line argument. Display the result.
9. Save, compile, and run the TestProgram class several times, making
sure that everything is working correctly.
If you enter a String for args[0] that is longer than 12 characters, the
result of testStringLength() should be false. If args[1] is a double that is
smaller than 100.00, the result of testDouble() should be false.
Every class belongs to a package. The package keyword is used to
declare a class within a package, and the package declaration must be
the first statement in a .java source file. If a class is not declared within
a package, then the class appears in the default package.
A package creates a namespace. The package name becomes a part of
the class name.
The import keyword is used to import a package into a source file.
Importing a package allows you to use a class from that package with-
out prefixing the package name to the class name. The java.lang pack-
age is implicitly imported into each source file.
The .class file for a class must appear in a directory structure that
matches the package name that the class is declared in. You can use the
-d flag of the javac tool to have the compiler generate these folders for
you automatically.
The compiler and JVM use the CLASSPATH environment variable to
determine where to look for bytecode.
There are four levels of access in Java that can be applied to the fields
and methods of a class: public, protected, private, and default.
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