Image Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
This chapter provided important insight concerning the influence factors of
visual discomfort and their measurement. Technological constraints in the
current stereoscopic production chain inhibit the complete elimination of
visual discomfort but careful control of technical parameters allows for
reducing the negative effects. It was shown that parameters may need to be
adjusted to individual observer groups.
As visual discomfort can only be subjectively measured, special care
needs to be taken with respect to the experimental setup and the statistical
data analysis. The chapter focused on a complete example study evaluating
the influence of planar and in-depth motion at different velocities, starting
with the precise description of the viewing setup and finishing with a model of
visual discomfort, and analyzing its limits with respect to individual observer
groups. Several important conclusions can be drawn from this study: Slow
motion may be more comfortable at the same disparity than static scenario,
in-depth motion is more uncomfortable than planar motion, the existence and
position of a fixed background plays an important role in 3D psychovisual
stimulus studies, bimodal distributions of observer responses should be
expected. A general model of spatiotemporal 3D motion was presented that
fits most of the participating population.
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2. King LS (1982) Medical thinking: a historical preface. Princeton University Press Princeton,
3. Natelson BH (1998) Facing and fighting fatigue: a practical approach. Yale University Press,
New Haven
4. Urvoy M, Barkowsky M, Li J, Le Callet P (2013) Visual comfort and fatigue in stereoscopy.
In: 3D video: from capture to diffusion, Chapter 16, Wiley-ISTE, Laurent Lucas and C´line
Loscos and Yannick R´mion, October 2013, pp 309-329
5. Hoffman DM, Girshick AR, Akeley K, Banks MS (2008) Vergence-Accommodation conflicts
hinder visual performance and cause visual fatigue. J Vis 8(3):1-30
6. Kim J, Shibata T, Hoffman D, Banks M (2011) Assessing vergence accommodation conflict as
a source of discomfort in stereo displays. J Vis 11(11):324-324
7. Yano S, Ide S, Mitsuhashi T, Thwaites H (2002) A study of visual fatigue and visual comfort
for 3D HDTV/HDTV images. Displays 23(4):191-201
8. Chen W, Fournier J, Barkowsky M, Le Callet P (2013) New requirements of subjective video
quality assessment methodologies for 3DTV. In: International workshop on video processing
and quality metrics
9. Yano S, Emoto M, Mitsuhashi T (2004) Two factors in visual fatigue caused by stereoscopic
HDTV images. Displays 25(4):141-150
10. Kuze J, Ukai K (2008) Subjective evaluation of visual fatigue caused by motion images.
Displays 29(2):159-166
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