Image Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
A different interpretation of these results is that when the relative disparity
between the foreground and the background is increasing and the disparity offset
becomes crossed, the planar motion seems to help to reduce visual discomfort when
compared to the static condition. In our experiment, the viewers explained that
when watching the planar motion stimuli, it was easier to fuse the Maltese cross
compared to the static conditions, in particular when the disparity is crossed.
As shown in Fig. 10.6b , for the planar motion condition, there might be a
minimum in the curve of visual discomfort that would be located at some velocity
in between static and the slowest velocity that was included in this study.
In-Depth Motion and Static Conditions
The Bradley-Terry scores for in-depth motion stimuli are shown in Fig. 10.7 .
According to the results, we may draw the following conclusions:
• As shown in Fig. 10.7a , in general, disparity amplitude may not affect the visual
discomfort significantly. For example, in the condition of d o ¼
0.65 and slow
velocity, the visual discomfort induced by the stimulus with disparity amplitude
of 0.65 is not significantly different from the stimulus with disparity amplitude
of 1.3 . However, for the fast motion conditions, disparity amplitude may
influence visual discomfort.
• Visual discomfort increases with the disparity offset as shown in Fig. 10.7a .This
result is similar to the effect of relative disparity offset on planar motion stimuli,
i.e., the relative disparity might be a main factor in this case.
• As shown in Fig. 10.7b , visual discomfort increased with the in-depth motion
Fig. 10.7 The Bradley-Terry scores of the in-depth motion stimuli. (a) The x -axis represents the
disparity amplitudes, different lines represent different disparity offsets ( d o ) and velocities. (b) The
x -axis represents disparity velocities, different lines represent different disparity offsets ( d o ) and
disparity amplitudes ( d a )
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