Image Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
map is not directly viewed by the users and only used for calculating pixel shift for
left and right views. However, quality measures for color image show some degree
of direct relationship with the true user perception (i.e., subjective ratings for
overall 3D video quality). This is mainly due to the fact that color image artifacts
are directly visible in rendered left and right views. However, artifacts in the depth
map also add some degree of distortion to the rendered left and right views. More
details on the relationship between FR objective metrics and subjective scores for
3D video sequences can also be found in [ 15 ].
The rendered quality of left and right views can also be used as an overall quality
metric for 3D video quality. Figures 9.9 and 9.10 show the degree of correlation
Fig. 9.9 Scatter plot of
average PSNR (dB) of the
rendered left and right
image versus color image
quality obtained with the
proposed “ E - SSIM C
method. Each sample point
represents one test sequence
at a given PLR /( E S / N 0 )
Fig. 9.10 Scatter plot of
average PSNR (dB) of the
rendered left and right
image versus depth map
quality obtained with the
proposed “ E - SSIM D
method. Each sample point
represents one test sequence
at a given PLR /( E S / N 0 )
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