Image Processing Reference
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The current difficulties and practical limitations of the method are also discussed
and clarified in this chapter.
Chapter 12 is entitled “Utilizing social interaction information for efficient 3D
immersive overlay communications”. Tele-immersive 3D communications pose
significant challenges in networking research and request for efficient construction
of overlay networks, to guarantee the efficient delivery. In the last couple of years,
various overlay construction methods have been subject to many research projects
and studies. However, in most cases, the selection of the overlay nodes is mainly
based on network and geographic only criteria. In this topic chapter, we focus on the
social interaction of the participants and the way that social interaction could be
taken into account for the construction of a network multicasting overlay. More
precisely, we mine information from the social network structures and correlate it
with network characteristics to select the nodes that could potentially serve more
than one users, and thus contribute towards the overall network overlay
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3. Ekmekcioglu E et al (2012) Immersive 3D media. In: Moustafa H, Zeadally S (eds) Media
networks: architect, Appl Standards. CRC Press
4. Montpetit M-J, Klym N, Mirlacher T (2011) The future of IPTV. Multimed Tools Appl 53
5. Chorianopoulos K, Lekakos G (2008) Introduction to social TV: enhancing the shared experi-
ence with interactive TV. Int J Hum-Comput Int 24(2):113-120
6. Zhu W, Luo C, Wang J, Li S (2011) Multimedia cloud computing. IEEE Signal Proc Mag
7. Wen Y et al (2014) Cloud mobile media: reflections and outlook. IEEE Trans Multimedia 16
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