Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Remember which type of Exchange Server you specify when creating the connection
between Configuration Manager and Exchange.
Thought experiment
ActiveSync MDM at Fabrikam
You are responsible for MDM at Fabrikam, a manufacturer of surveillance drones.
You have configured the Configuration Manager ActiveSync connector for
Exchange and will be managing MDM policies from Configuration Manager. You will
be implementing policies as required. Because of the secure nature of Fabrikam's
facilities, you need to ensure that the cameras on any mobile phones brought into
the facilities are disabled. In addition, because several Fabrikam executives travel
extensively overseas, you want to ensure that Direct Push functionality is disabled
when their mobile phones are connected to roaming networks. With this in mind,
answer the following questions:
1. Which settings group would you configure to ensure that mobile device cameras
cannot be used on mobile devices managed at Fabrikam?
2. Which settings group would you configure to block Direct Push notifications
when a mobile device is connected to a roaming network?
Objective summary
The Exchange Server connector enables you to configure mobile device policies
applied through ActiveSync to devices that connect to an Exchange deployment.
After you configure one setting in a settings group, all settings in that group will be
managed through Configuration Manager rather than through Exchange.
When configuring the Exchange Server connector on the Configuration Manager
server, specify the address of the client access server.
The Exchange Server connector enables you to perform Discovery, Hardware
Inventory, Settings Management, Remote Wipe, Reporting, and Quarantine And Block
from Exchange Server.
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