Information Technology Reference
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Objective 6.2
Thought experiment
Because the graphics application is likely to be used by less than 10 percent of people
in the organization, you'll need to create a software-metering rule rather than letting
one be created automatically.
You can modify Software Metering Properties to change the threshold for rule creation
and the maximum number of automatically created rules.
Objective review
Correct answer: D
Incorrect: The Summarize Software Metering File Usage Data task condenses
software-metering file usage data from multiple records into one general record.
Incorrect: The Summarize Software Metering Monthly Usage Data task condenses
detailed software-metering usage data from multiple records into one general
Incorrect: The Delete Aged Software Metering Data task deletes all unsummarized
software-metering data that is older than the number of days specified.
Correct: The Delete Aged Software Metering Summary Data task deletes sum-
marized software-metering summary data that is older than the number of days
specified. By default, the task runs every Sunday to delete software-metering sum-
mary data that is older than 270 days.
Correct answer: B
Incorrect: The Delete Aged Software Metering Summary Data task deletes sum-
marized software-metering summary data that is older than the number of days
specified. By default, the task runs every Sunday to delete software-metering sum-
mary data that is older than 270 days.
Correct: The Delete Aged Software Metering Data task deletes all unsummarized
software-metering data that is older than the number of days specified. By default,
the task runs every day and deletes software-metering data that is older than five
Incorrect: The Summarize Software Metering Monthly Usage Data task condenses
detailed software-metering usage data from multiple records into one general
Incorrect: The Summarize Software Metering File Usage Data task condenses
software-metering file usage data from multiple records into one general record.
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