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You can use the RunMeterSumm.exe tool to initiate an off-cycle summarization of soft-
ware-metering data. You can obtain this tool from the Configuration Manager toolkit.
If you want to understand what data the most current set of summary data contains, you
should know when the summarization last occurred. You can refer to the software-metering
summarization progress report in Configuration Manager to determine when summarization
last occurred.
The software-metering summarization tasks are:
Summarize Software Metering File Usage Data The Summarize Software
Metering File Usage Data task condenses software-metering file usage data from
multiple records into one general record. This record provides information about the
program name, version, language, and number of distinct users over intervals of
15 minutes and 1 hour. This process compresses and optimizes the amount of data
stored in the Configuration Manager site database. By default, the Summarize Software
Metering File Usage Data task runs daily. For every hour and every 15-minute interval
within the hour, the task calculates the total number of distinct user/computer com-
binations that are running the matching program. Within the 15-minute intervals, this
approximates the number of concurrent users. For example:
If a single user is using a software program and signs in to three computers simulta-
neously, this counts as three usages.
If three users sign in to a computer that is running Terminal Services or Remote
Desktop Services, and all three are running the software program, this counts as
three usages.
If a single user starts and stops the software program on the same computer three
times during the hour, this counts as one usage for that user.
Summarize Software Metering Monthly Usage Data This task condenses detailed
software-metering usage data from multiple records into one general record. This
record provides information about the program name, program version and language,
program running times, number of usages, last usage, user name, and computer name.
Data summarization helps compress the amount of data in the Configuration Manager
site database. Monthly software usage data replicates to the central administration site.
The summarization information includes the number of times each matching software
program runs on a particular computer and by a particular user during the month. By
default, the task runs daily, and the summarization period is one month.
The following maintenance tasks remove old software-metering data and summarized
data from the Configuration Manager site database:
Delete Aged Software Metering Data This task deletes all unsummarized soft-
ware-metering data that is older than the number of days specified. By default, the
task runs every day and deletes software-metering data that is older than five days.
You can configure the number of days to be anywhere from 2 to 255 days.
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