Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Which of the following client settings must be enabled if you want to use
Configuration Manager to manage power settings for computers running
Windows 8.1?
Hardware Inventory
Remote Tools
Software Inventory
Compliance Settings
Objective 5.3: Conigure and monitor client status
System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager includes the Client Status feature that you can
use to monitor client health and activity. The client health evaluator works outside the normal
client processes to enable an administrator to discover issues with the clients, particularly
issues that clients would be unable to report. This section describes how to use the Client
Status feature and how to use the Configuration Manager console to monitor and evaluate
client health.
This section covers the following topics:
Verifying client installation
Client status
Client health evaluation and remediation
Client health reports
Client health alerts
Verifying client installation
You can verify the Configuration Manager client software's installation success in a number of
ways, from both the server side and the client side. To verify that the Configuration Manager
client software installed successfully, you can examine client log files, Control Panel in the cli-
ent computer, and current information in collections and status reports.
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