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You can learn more about Configuration Manager client installation options at .
Deploying to Mac OS X computers
Because Configuration Manager treats computers running the Mac OS X operating system
as Internet-based computers, all communication with the management point and distribu-
tion point must happen by using HTTPS. Before deploying the client, you must configure the
Configuration Manager environment to support the Mac OS X computers. To ensure that your
environment supports Mac OS X computers, perform the following procedure:
1. Deploy certificates and configure the client certificate template for Mac OS X
a. Deploy a web server certificate to the computers that will run the following site
system roles:
Management Point
Distribution Point
Enrollment Point
Enrollment Proxy Point
B. Deploy a client authentication certificate to the computers running the following
site system roles:
Management Point
Distribution Point
C. Configure the client certificate template in the CA to allow Read And Enroll per-
mission to the account that will be used to enroll the certificate on the Mac OS X
2. Configure the following Configuration Manager site system roles that Mac OS X com-
puters use:
a. Management Point. Configure the following settings:
HTTPS Communication
Allow Client Connections From The Internet
Allow Mobile Devices And Mac Computers To Use The Management Point
B. Distribution Point. Configure the following settings:
HTTPS Communication
Allow Client Connections From The Internet
Install an enrollment point and an enrollment proxy point.
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