Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Correct answer: B
Incorrect: You use this setting to determine whether a WQL query run on a Con-
figuration Manager client matches a specific value.
Correct: You can use the Script setting type to run a script that checks for a spe-
cific result or runs as a remediation script to remedy a noncompliant setting.
Incorrect: You can use a File System setting type in a configuration item to deter-
mine whether a particular file is present on a Configuration Manager client.
Incorrect: You use the Assembly setting type to determine whether an assembly
from the global assembly cache is present.
Correct answer: A
Correct: You use this setting to determine whether a WQL query run on a Con-
figuration Manager client matches, is greater than, or is less than a specific value.
Incorrect: Although you could call a script that runs the query, the best answer is
to use the WQL query type directly rather than calling a WQL query in a script.
Incorrect: You can use a File System setting type in a configuration item to deter-
mine whether a particular file is present on a Configuration Manager client.
Incorrect: You use a Registry Value setting type to check for a registry value.
Objective 4.2
Thought experiment
1. You can use the Summary Compliance By Configuration items for a configuration base-
line when looking at a collection. You use the detailed report for a specific asset.
2. You would use the compliance history of a configuration baseline report to view con-
figuration baseline compliance trend data.
Objective review
Correct answers: A and D
Correct: A configuration baseline is a group of configuration items, software
updates, and other configuration baselines.
Incorrect: A configuration baseline is a group of configuration items, software
updates, and other configuration baselines.
Incorrect: A configuration baseline is a group of configuration items, software
updates, and other configuration baselines.
Correct: A configuration baseline is a group of configuration items, software
updates, and other configuration baselines.
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