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Automatic software-metering rules
Configuration Manager enables you to generate software-metering rules automatically,
based on recent usage-inventory data. If Configuration Manager automatically generates a
software-metering rule, the generated rule will be disabled. You must enable that rule if you
want clients to report usage of the software specified in the automatically generated rule. In
addition, you might want to disable a software-metering rule but keep it for later use.
You can configure the automatic generation of rules as follows:
1. Open the Software Metering Properties dialog box and then select the Automatically
Create Disabled Metering Rules From Recent Usage Inventory Data check box if it is
not already selected. This option is selected by default.
2. Specify the percentage of a site's computers that must use a particular program before
a software-metering rule for that program is created automatically. The default value is
10 percent.
3. To protect against auto-generating an unmanageable number of disabled rules,
specify the number of rules after which no new software-metering rules are created
automatically. The default value is 100 rules.
4. Configure the length of time the software-metering data stays stored in the site data-
base. The default value is 90 days.
To enable or disable a software-metering rule, you must perform the following procedure:
1. In the Configuration Manager console, click the Assets And Compliance workspace and
then click Software Metering.
Select and then right-click one or more software-metering rules and then click either
Enable or Disable.
Summarization tasks
The Summarize Software Metering tasks perform data summarization to reduce the amount
of data the Configuration Manager site database stores. Data summarization runs daily and
only runs against usage data that is older than 12 hours. Data summarization is required for
all Configuration Manager software-metering reports to display meaningful data.
You should know when the summarization last occurred if you want to understand what
data the most current set of summary data contains. You can refer to the Software Metering
Summarization Progress report in Configuration Manager to determine when the summariza-
tion last occurred.
The software-metering summarization tasks are:
Summarize Software Metering File Usage Data The Summarize Software
Metering File Usage Data task condenses software-metering file usage data from
multiple records into one general record. This record provides information about the
program name, version, language, and number of distinct users over intervals of 15
minutes and 1 hour. This process compresses and optimizes the amount of data stored
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