Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
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Now that we have seen the potential of materialized views, let's take an in depth look at this
useful database object. We will also try to answer the frequently asked question "Can I use
materialized views in an OLTP environment?"
Materialized views in depth
We have seen how to write a statement for creating materialized views; there are many
options that can be used while creating a materialized view, such as the following:
F The BUILD IMMEDIATE clause builds the materialized view immediately when
the command is executed. Instead if you use BUILD DEFERRED , the data in the
materialized view is populated in the next refresh operation.
F The REFRESH ON COMMIT clause forces the database to refresh data in the
materialized view, when a change is committed to one of the base tables. This
type of a refresh is FAST (incremental).
F We can also use the REFRESH ON DEMAND clause to instruct the database to
refresh the materialized view. Using this command, data is refreshed only when
we want—using the DBMS_MVIEW refresh procedures.
F Using the START WITH and NEXT clauses, we can specify when to start the automatic
refresh operations and the interval between consecutive refreshes, respectively.
F We can query the DBA_MVIEWS dynamic performance view, to obtain details
about all the materialized views available in the database, or the corresponding
USER_MVIEWS and ALL_MVIEWS to restrict the results to the materialized views
the current user owns or can access. These views contain the materialized view
statement and the implementation details.
Materialized views and grants
To create a materialized view there are a few required privileges:
QUERY REWRITE has to be granted directly to the user who will use the materialized view,
not granted to a user through a role.
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