Databases Reference
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This view inspects the execution progress of a SQL Tuning Advisor set.
The most relevant view fields are as follows:
F SID : The session ID
F SERIAL# : The session serial number
F USERNAME : The Oracle username
F OPNAME : The operation name
F ADVISOR_NAME : The advisor name
F TASK_ID : The task ID
F SOFAR : The amount of work done so far
F TOTALWORK : The total work to be done
F TIME_REMAINING : The estimated remaining time in seconds
This displays statistics about buffer pools in the database instance.
The most relevant view fields are as follows:
F ID : The buffer pool identifier
F NAME : The name of the buffer pool
F FREE_BUFFER_WAIT : The free buffer wait statistic
F WRITE_COMPLETE_WAIT : The write complete wait statistic
F BUFFER_BUSY_WAIT : The buffer busy wait statistic
F DB_BLOCK_GETS : The number of database blocks gotten statistic
F CONSISTENT_GETS : The number of consistent gets statistic
F PHYSICAL_READS : The number of physical reads statistic
F PHYSICAL_WRITES : The number of physical writes statistic
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