Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
How it works...
The database writes information on the alert log about log switches and checkpoints.
We can inspect the alert log to diagnose a possible problem with log files.
There's more...
We can force a log switch by using the following command:
A checkpoint can be forced by using the following statement:
See also
F We will see the use of SQL_TRACE and TKPROF to generate trace files and
the corresponding report over SQL activity of a particular session in Tracing
SQL activity with SQL Trace and TKPROF in Chapter 4, Optimizing SQL Code
Analyzing data using Automatic Workload
Repository (AWR)
With Oracle Database 10 g , Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) was introduced. It is a
tool that extends the key concepts of Statspack.
In this recipe, we will create a manual snapshot, a baseline, and some reports.
Getting ready
To use AWR, the STATISTICS_LEVEL parameter of the init.ora file must be set to the
value TYPICAL or ALL .
With the default setting TYPICAL , all the statistics needed for
self-management functionalities are collected, providing best
overall performance. Using the parameter ALL the database
will collect all the statistics included in the TYPICAL settings,
as well as timed operating system statistics and row source
execution statistics.
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