Databases Reference
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In the previous screenshot we can see the SID , identifying the session, and which session is
locking ( BLOCK=1 ) other sessions. In our example, session 31 (our SESSION 1 ) is blocking
session 17 (our SESSION 2 ).
The TYPE field indicates that two different types of locks are held by session 31 : a TM , or Table
Level Lock. This prevents DDL operations on the object with ID 74136 , and a TX , or Row Level
Lock, which ensures that at the same time no two transactions modify the same row.
In the previous screenshot we can also see the result for the query in step 7, which tells us
that the object on which the TM lock is held is the SH.CUSTOMERS table.
In step 8 we query the V$LOCKED_OBJECT dynamic performance view, obtaining the
following results:
Using this view we can see the undo segment number (XIDUSN), the slot number (XIDSLOT),
and the sequence number (XIDSQN) by the session specified. The view also shows the object
ID, the username ( SH in our example), and other information about the locks acquired in
the system.
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