Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
The following is an output of these queries:
There's more...
In step 5, we have seen the parameters related to cursor management. Let's explain their
use. OPEN_CURSORS defines the number of concurrent cursors that a user process can use
to reference private SQL areas. Increasing the value associated to this parameter allows the
user to use more cursors simultaneously, but the memory consumption will be greater.
SESSION_CACHED_CURSORS allows defining the number of session cursors cached. Setting
this parameter to a value greater than zero results in a performance gain, where there are
repeated parse calls to the same SQL statements. Closed cursors will be cached within the
session, ready to be reused.
The last parameter, CURSOR_SHARING , allows us to define whether the cursors are shared
only when they match exactly (using EXACT ) or also in other situations (using FORCE
and SIMILAR ).
See also
F More details on CURSOR_SHARING parameter and on parsing in PL/SQL code can be
found in the Using bind variables and parsing recipe in Chapter 6 , Optimizing PL/SQL
Code , and in the Improving performance sharing reusable code recipe in Chapter 2 ,
Optimizing Application Design .
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