Databases Reference
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In step 7, we execute a (simple) anonymous PL/SQL block and then query V$SQLAREA to
identify the ADDRESS and HASH_VALUE of the statement. We then use these values as
parameters for the KEEP procedure of DBMS_SHARED_POOL package to pin the anonymous
block in the Shared Pool.
The complete execution of the steps mentioned earlier is represented in the following
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Due to the LRU algorithm, blocks of code can be aged out of the shared pool. When a
large block is aged out to make room for a small piece of code, and is needed again, then
the large block is reloaded. There can be fragmentation in the Shared Pool, which causes
performance degradation.
To avoid fragmentation, we can separate the memory required to store frequently used
large blocks of code from other blocks, using the Shared Pool Reserved Space.
We need to set the SHARED_POOL_RESERVED_SIZE initialization parameter. Querying
the V$SHARED_POOL_RESERVED dynamic performance view, we can inspect the Reserved
Pool statistics.
In this view, we need to lower the value for REQUEST_MISSES and REQUEST_FAILURES .
Using the V$DB_OBJECT_CACHE , we can inquire for large objects that are not kept in the
Shared Pool and decide to keep them in the reserved pool using the KEEP procedure of the
DBMS_SHARED_POOL package. Doing so also prevents flushing of the pinned object when
executing the ALTER SYSTEM FLUSH SHARED_POOL command.
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