Databases Reference
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In step 6, we change the hint again, asking the optimizer to use indexes to access data on
the CUSTOMERS table, with the /*+ INDEX(C) */ hint. The corresponding execution plan is
shown in the following screenshot. We can see that the optimizer has chosen the primary key
index CUSTOMERS_PK to answer our query, instead of the bitmap index used before.
In step 7, we disable the auto-trace functionality of SQL*Plus.
There's more...
We have seen how simple it is to hint the optimizer by inserting our hint in a comment starting
with a plus sign /*+ our_hint */ .
Hints are used because we may know information about data that is unknown to the Oracle
optimizer. With the hint mechanism, we can provide this information to achieve a better
execution plan.
There are many different hints we can use, and here is a list of the ones most commonly used:
F ALL_ROWS : Informs the optimizer that we want to retrieve all the rows of the query
F FIRST_ROWS (n) : Informs the optimizer that we are interested only in the first n
rows of the query
F FULL (table_name) : Asks for full table access to the table table_name
F CLUSTER (table_name) : Instructs the optimizer to use a cluster scan when
accessing the specified table
F HASH (table_name) : Allows access to a table in the hash cluster using a hash scan
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