Databases Reference
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How it works...
In step 2, we created a function CONDITIONAL_COLUMN_LEN , that calculates the maximum
length of data contained in the COLUMN_NAME field of TABLE_NAME , when the COND_FIELD
is equal to COND_VALUE .
In step 3, the function is tested by calculating the maximum length of the data contained in
the CUST_FIRST_NAME field of the CUSTOMERS table for the records that have a CUST_ID
between 1 and 10000.
In the following screenshot, you can see the execution output and the execution time:
In step 4, we have created the function CONDITIONAL_COLUMN_LEN_BIND , which is
equivalent to the one in step 3—except for the use of binding variables. In step 5, we have
executed this function using the same benchmark of step 3, obtaining the following output:
Hence, there is a huge performance improvement in our function when we use bind variables.
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