Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Another issue is serialization, there can be only one direct path load on a table, with no other
concurrent updates, deletes, or inserts. This is a scalability issue in a concurrent environment.
The table cannot be queried when the load operation is in progress, until a commit (or a
rollback) is executed.
The last peculiarity of direct path load is related to the High-Water Mark. It loads data above
the High-Water Mark, even if there is room in the blocks below it. We have analyzed the
effects of the High-Water Mark on performance in this chapter in Avoiding full table scans .
Now that we have a better comprehension of the direct path load, you will know when to use
it best—in data loading batches, populating staging, data warehouses, and so on. But also
when not to use it—in transaction processing and concurrent environments.
However, the considerations made when commenting our example are still valid. We can
use the single SQL statement without the APPEND hint, as follows:
INSERT INTO sh.MY_SALES (cust_id, prod_id)
SELECT cust_id, prod_id FROM sh.sales
WHERE time_id between
TO_DATE('20010701', 'YYYYMMDD')
AND TO_DATE('20011231', 'YYYYMMDD');
In this case, we obtain results similar to the previous execution with the APPEND hint, as
shown in the following screenshot:
See also
F There's more on arrays and BULK COLLECT in Array processing and bulk collect
in Chapter 6 , Optimizing PL/SQL Code
F You can find more details on optimizer hints in Exploring the optimizer hints in
Chapter 7 , Improving the Oracle Optimizer
F Using create table as select in Chapter 8 , Other Optimizations shows more
information on this kind of operation
F Direct path load from external files is explored in more detail in Chapter 9 ,
Tuning memory in the Direct path inserting recipe
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