Database Reference
In-Depth Information
UPDATEXML returns an XML document object
including a change.
Generating XML from Oracle SQL code:
XMLAGG aggregates or merges multiple XML pieces
from an SQL row set.
XMLCONCAT concatenates XML values from an SQL
row set into XML elements.
XMLCOLATTVAL collates XML values into XML
structural elements from row sets.
XMLELEMENT creates an XML element from an SQL
row set.
XMLFOREST creates an XML hierarchical structure
from an SQL row set with an object for each row, and a
name-value pair (element) for each column value within
that row.
Returning data from XML documents:
XMLSEQUENCE returns an array of elements at a spe-
cific level or path (row identifier) within an XML docu-
XMLTRANSFORM simply applies an XSL style sheet
to an XML document object.
Note: XML capabilities with Oracle SQL are covered in Chapter 17.
Expression capabilities have been added to include CASE statements,
cursor expressions using CURSOR (subquery) syntax, and scalar sub-
queries returning an expression.
Numerous new functions and enhancements to existing functions.
Privilege and DDL command enhancements, most of which fall out-
side the scope of this topic.
New PL/SQL Features in Oracle Database 9i
As already stated, an intense examination of the details of PL/SQL is not
required in an SQL reference topic. Items in this list may or may not be
covered in this topic in later chapters:
A number of object-handling enhancements, a little beyond the
scope of this topic.
Most SQL syntax is supported in PL/SQL.
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