Database Reference
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Figure 10.20
A Right Outer Join
Between ARTIST,
and SONG Tables.
therefore are not able to match with a row in the ARTIST table. Because
the ARTIST table is now on the right, the final result returns all artists and
only the songs having a guest appearance.
The song “Stop” is listed three times because three artists played as
guests on “Stop”: Angie Aparo, Paul Doucette, and Tony Adams.
Full Outer Join
A full outer join will return all rows in both tables, filling in missing values
with null values when a row is not present on the other side of the join.
Note: There is no Oracle format equivalent for a full outer join.
The next query is an ANSI standard format, full outer join between the
ARTIST, GUESTAPPEARANCE, and SONG tables. The result is shown
in Figure 10.21.
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