Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Pseudocolumns are virtual columns or expression calculators, the expression
being a constant or another expression. To use a pseudocolumn, you simply
name it in the SQL statement. You can select a pseudocolumn or use it in
an expression or WHERE clause. You cannot insert, update, or delete the
value in a pseudocolumn.
Note: Contrary to popular belief, values such as SYSDATE, SYSTIMES-
TAMP, USER, and UID are not pseudocolumns but built-in functions.
Table 7.1 lists available pseudocolumns.
Table 7.1
Pseudocolumns in Oracle Database.
A relative pointer to a row in the database based
on logical and physical database objects. A concat-
enated set of numbers and letters comprising rela-
tive address pointers to a tablespace, a datafile
block within a tablespace, a row within a block,
and a tablespace datafile number. May also con-
tain a different format if the row is located outside
the database.
The sequence number of each row retrieved in a
query. Note that ROWNUM is evaluated after a
WHERE clause (before the ORDER BY clause).
The first row is 1, and so on.
Retrieves the current value of a sequence and must
be defined for the session first with NEXTVAL. See
Chapter 22.
Retrieves the next value of a sequence. Used to
increment a sequence. See Chapter 22.
Used only in hierarchical queries (using the CON-
NECT BY clause). This returns the level (1, 2, etc.)
of the row. See Chapter 13.
These pseudocolumns determine if hierarchical
data can be expanded upon. Does an element have
ancestor and/or child entries? More on this in
Chapter 13.
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