Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
The query increments the @x variable when there is a conflict that causes the UPDATE
portion of the query to execute. It hides the variable's value inside an expression that
is multiplied by zero, so the variable doesn't affect the ultimate value assigned to the
column. The MySQL client protocol returns the total rows affected, so there is no need
to count that with a user variable.
Making evaluation order deterministic
Most problems with user variables come from assigning to them and reading them at
different stages in the query. For example, it doesn't work predictably to assign them
in the SELECT statement and read from them in the WHERE clause. The following query
might look like it will just return one row, but it doesn't:
mysql> SET @rownum := 0;
mysql> SELECT actor_id, @rownum := @rownum + 1 AS cnt
-> WHERE @rownum <= 1;
| actor_id | cnt |
| 1 | 1 |
| 2 | 2 |
This happens because the WHERE and SELECT are different stages in the query execution
process. This is even more obvious when you add another stage to execution with an
mysql> SET @rownum := 0;
mysql> SELECT actor_id, @rownum := @rownum + 1 AS cnt
-> WHERE @rownum <= 1
-> ORDER BY first_name;
This query returns every row in the table, because the ORDER BY added a filesort and the
WHERE is evaluated before the filesort. The solution to this problem is to assign and read
in the same stage of query execution:
mysql> SET @rownum := 0;
mysql> SELECT actor_id, @rownum AS rownum
-> WHERE (@rownum := @rownum + 1) <= 1;
| actor_id | rownum |
| 1 | 1 |
Pop quiz: what will happen if you add the ORDER BY back to this query? Try it and see.
If you didn't get the results you expected, why not? What about the following query,
where the ORDER BY changes the variable's value and the WHERE clause evaluates it?
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