Databases Reference
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The problem is that this single row is effectively a global “mutex” for any transaction
that updates the counter. It will serialize those transactions. You can get higher con-
currency by keeping more than one row and updating a random row. This requires the
following change to the table:
mysql> CREATE TABLE hit_counter (
-> slot tinyint unsigned not null primary key,
-> cnt int unsigned not null
-> ) ENGINE=InnoDB;
Prepopulate the table by adding 100 rows to it. Now the query can just choose a random
slot and update it:
mysql> UPDATE hit_counter SET cnt = cnt + 1 WHERE slot = RAND() * 100;
To retrieve statistics, just use aggregate queries:
mysql> SELECT SUM(cnt) FROM hit_counter;
A common requirement is to start new counters every so often (for example, once a
day). If you need to do this, you can change the schema slightly:
mysql> CREATE TABLE daily_hit_counter (
-> day date not null,
-> slot tinyint unsigned not null,
-> cnt int unsigned not null,
-> primary key(day, slot)
-> ) ENGINE=InnoDB;
You don't want to pregenerate rows for this scenario. Instead, you can use ON DUPLICATE
mysql> INSERT INTO daily_hit_counter(day, slot, cnt)
-> ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE cnt = cnt + 1;
If you want to reduce the number of rows to keep the table smaller, you can write a
periodic job that merges all the results into slot 0 and deletes every other slot:
mysql> UPDATE daily_hit_counter as c
-> SELECT day, SUM(cnt) AS cnt, MIN(slot) AS mslot
-> FROM daily_hit_counter
-> GROUP BY day
-> ) AS x USING(day)
-> SET c.cnt = IF(c.slot = x.mslot, x.cnt, 0),
-> c.slot = IF(c.slot = x.mslot, 0, c.slot);
mysql> DELETE FROM daily_hit_counter WHERE slot <> 0 AND cnt = 0;
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