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of adjective similarity is given below). For example, A 1 =
merged with A 2 =
Clusters are labeled with the names of their corresponding properties (see
Table 2.6). The property names are obtained from either WordNet ( e.g. , big is
a value of size ), or from a name-generation module which adds su xes ( e.g. ,
“-iness”, “-ity”) to adjectives and uses the Web to filter out non-words and
highly infrequent candidate names. If no property names can be found, the
label is generated based ona djectives: “beIntercontinental,” “beWelcome,”
Adjective Similarity The adjective similarity rules in Table 2.5 consist
of WordNet-Based rules and Web-Based rules. WordNet relationships such as
pertain ( adjSynset, nounSynset )and attribute ( adjSynset, nounSynset )are
used to relate adjectives to nouns representing properties: if two adjectives
relate to the same property or to related properties, the two adjectives are
similar. In addition to such WordNet-based rules, opine bootstraps a set
of lexical patterns (see 2.3.7 for details) and instantiates them in order to
generate search-engine queries which confirm that two adjectives correspond
to the same property. Given clusters A 1 and A 2 , opine instantiates patterns
such as “ a 1 , (*) even a 2 “with a 1
“understandable”, “clear”
A 2 in order to check if a 1 and
a 2 are similar. For example, hits (“clear, (*) even intuitive”) > 5, therefore
“clear” is similar to “intuitive.”
A 1 and a 2
Table 2.5. WordNet-Based and Web-Based Adjective Similarity Rules.
Notation: s 1 , s 2 = WordNet synsets
adj 1 and adj 2 are similar if
∃s 1 ,s 2 s.t. pertain ( adj 1 ,s 1 ) , attribute ( adj 2 ,s 2 ) ,isA ( s 1 ,s 2 )
∃s 1 ,s 2 s.t. pertain ( adj 1 ,s 1 ) , pertain ( adj 2 ,s 2 ) ,isA ( s 1 ,s 2 )
∃s 1 ,s 2 s.t. attribute ( adj 1 ,s 1 ) , attribute ( adj 2 ,s 2 ) ,isA ( s 1 ,s 2 )
∃p ∈{ “[ X ] ,even [ Y ] , “[ X ] ,almost [ Y ] , ...} s.t. hits ( p ( adj 1 ,adj 2 )) >t,t = threshold
Table 2.6. Examples of Labeled Opinion Clusters
Quality : like, recommend, good, very good, incredibly good, great, truly great
Clarity : understandable, clear, straightforward, intuitive
Noise : quiet, silent, noisy, loud, deafening
Price : inexpensive, affordable, costly, expensive, cheap
Given an explicit feature f and a set of opinions associated with f which
have been clustered as previously described, opine uses the opinion clus-
ters to extract implicit features . For example, given f = Room and opinions
clean, spotless in the Cleanness cluster, opine generates the implicit feature
RoomCleanness . We evaluated the impact of implicit feature extraction in the
Hotels and Scanners domains. 1 Implicit features led to a 2% average increase
1 Hu's datasets have few implicit features and Hu's system doesn't handle implicit
feature extraction.
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