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Fig. 10.4. Performance of16weightingschemes over 6 minor categories in MCV1,
whereeach ofthem only occupies around 1% ofMCV1
higher than CBTW 1 , the averagedrecall of CBTW 1 reaches 0.9080, comparedwith
10.6.3 Significance Test
In orderto determine whetherthe performance improvement gained by CBTWs and
otherTFFVsoverthese two imbalanced data sets aresignificant, we performedthe
macrosigntest (S-test) and macro t-test (T-test)onthe paired F 1 values. Table
10.6 and 10.7 showthe detailed F 1 values of each individualcategory generated
based ondifferent majorterm weighting approaches over MCV1 and Reuters-21578,
respectively. As pointed out by Yang[46],ontheone hand, the S-testmaybe more
robustinreducing the influence of outliers, but at the risk ofbeing insensitiveor
not su ciently sensitive in performance comparisonbecause it ignores the absolute
difference between F 1 values; ontheother hand, the T-testissensitive to the absolute
values, but couldbeoverly sensitive when F 1 values are highlyunstable, e.g., for
the minor categories. Therefore, we adopt both tests here togive a comprehensive
understandingofthe performance improvement.
Since forboth data sets, TFIDF performs better than theothertwoclassic
approaches and CBTW 1 achieves the best overall performance comparedtoother
CBTWs and TFFVs, wechoose themas the representatives oftheir peers. For
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