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6.2.1 Word Matching Feedback Systems
Word matching is a very simple and intuitive way to estimate the nature of a self-
explanation. In the first version of iSTART, several hand-coded components were
built for each practice text. For example, for each sentence in the text, the “im-
portant words” were identified by a human expert and a length criterion for the
explanation was manually estimated. Important words were generally content words
that were deemed important to the meaning of the sentence and could include words
not found in the sentence. For each important word, an association list of synonyms
and related terms was created by examining dictionaries and existing protocols as
well as by human judgments of what words were likely to occur in a self-explanation
of the sentence. In the sentence “All thunderstorms have a similar life history,” for
example, important words are thunderstorm, similar, life , and history . An associa-
tion list for thunderstorm would include storms, moisture, lightning, thunder, cold,
tstorm, t-storm, rain, temperature, rainstorms , and electric-storm . In essence, the
attempt was made to imitate LSA.
A trainee's explanation was analyzed by matching the words in the explanation
against the words in the target sentence and words in the corresponding association
lists. This was accomplished in two ways: (1) Literal word matching and (2) Soundex
Literal word matching - Words are compared character by character and if
there is a match of the first 75% of the characters in a word in the target sentence
(or its association list) then we call this a literal match. This also includes removing
su x -s, -d, -ed, -ing, and -ion at the end of each words. For example, if the trainee's
self-explanation contains 'thunderstom' (even with the misspelling), it still counts
as a literal match with words in the target sentence since the first nine characters
are exactly the same. On the other hand, if it contains 'thunder,' it will not get a
match with the target sentence, but rather with a word on the association list.
Soundex matching - This algorithm compensates for misspellings by mapping
similar characters to the same soundex symbol [1, 5]. Words are transformed to their
soundex code by retaining the first character, dropping the vowels, and then con-
verting other characters into soundex symbols. If the same symbol occurs more than
once consecutively, only one occurrence is retained. For example, 'thunderstorm' will
be transformed to 't8693698'; 'communication' to 'c8368.' Note that the later exam-
ple was originally transformed to 'c888368' and two 8s were dropped ('m' and 'n'
are both mapped to '8'). If the trainee's self-explanation contains 'thonderstorm' or
'tonderstorm,' both will be matched with 'thunderstorm' and this is called a soundex
match. An exact soundex match is required for short words (i.e., those with fewer
than six alpha-characters) due to the high number of false alarms when soundex is
used. For longer words, a match on the first four soundex symbols su ces. We are
considering replacing this rough and ready approach with a spell-checker.
A formula based on the length of the sentence, the length of the explanation, the
length criterion mentioned below, the number of matches to the important words,
and the number of matches to the association lists produces a rating of 0 (inad-
equate), 1 (barely adequate), 2 (good), or 3 (very good) for the explanation. The
rating of 0 or inadequate is based on a series of filtering criteria that assesses whether
the explanation is too short, too similar to the original sentence, or irrelevant. Length
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