Environmental Engineering Reference
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Assess physical and chemical uniformity of the waste
Determine the volume increase associated with the S/S process
A treatability study should be representative of the full-scale remediation pro-
cess. The contractor is sometimes required to provide treatability study test results
prior to performing work at the site.
In many cases, a treatability study is conducted in two steps: laboratory formu-
lation development and bench-scale testing. During the laboratory formulation devel-
opment, small amounts of wastes are mixed with binders for testing some parameters
or indicators of S/S products. If the formulation system involves two or more
components, it is desirable to use a statistical experimental design method.
Laboratory physical and chemical testing may need to be conducted on the waste
and additives before, during and after mixing, as well as on the hardened S/S waste
forms. Commonly used test methods are described in Chapter 11. The requirements
for the type of test and testing procedures may vary from case to case. Laboratory
QA/QC procedures encompass the required analysis of method blanks, duplicate
samples, surrogate compounds, and spiked samples. These operations allow calcu-
lation of both field and laboratory precision and accuracy achieved in conjunction
with the data. These data quality indicators are then compared to those parameters
established at the initiation of the project to assess contract compliance.
The USEPA Superfund Treatability Study Protocol 15 provides an overview of
USEPA QA/QC guidelines for treatability studies as follows:
Preparation of the Quality Assurance Project Plan
Formulation of Data Quality Objectives
Identification of the sources and types of errors that may occur during the
sampling, analysis, and treatability measurement process
The need for quality control samples
Determination of data quality indicators, measurement errors, and
For a field S/S operation, the QA/QC plan should include control and documentation
of cementing materials and waste, and testing on freshly treated and hardened waste
forms. Cementing materials are tested for their compliance with specifications or
acceptable criteria. Additional details regarding cementing materials can be found
in Chapter 4. Waste should be analyzed to see whether the S/S formulation tolerates
the variation of contaminants. Testing of freshly treated waste has two purposes: (1)
to assure the uniformity of the mixture, and (2) to determine the suitability of the
treated waste for handling and disposal. There are few standard test methods
specifically designated for S/S operation. Most of the methods used are adopted or
modified from the testing of cement, concrete, and grout materials. Shi et al. 16,17
published some QA/QC procedures and methods for specific formulations used in
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