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foundations deep into the bedrock and capped it with the highest and
most elaborate P olynesian-style thatched r oof (it contains an esti-
mated 36,000 palm fr onds) on G rand Cayman. Come her e for a
grandly proportioned and very relaxing indoor-outdoor venue. Many
local r esidents, including lots of Caymanian lawy ers, hav e adopted
this bar as their r egular hangout and engage in spirited games of
dominoes that ar e followed by many of the bar 's patrons. My Bar is
especially busy on F riday nights, when the energy lev el is high. I t's
open Monday to Friday from 10am to 1am, S aturday 10am to mid-
night, and S unday 11:30am to midnight. At the Sunset House Hot el,
390 S. Church St., George Town. & 345/949-7111.
Fidel Murphy's This is the unofficial I rish headquar ters of
Grand Cayman. Large gatherings of drinkers avidly follo w the pub's
live broadcasts of Gaelic soccer, rugby, and hurling matches. The pub
provides Irish wit, charm, and nostalgia with a Caribbean twist, as the
owners tried to convey by adding “Fidel” to the name of the pub .
The place originated in 1999 when the mostly I rish staff of a
Cuban r estaurant (La H abana) called in a team of ar chitectural
designers fr om the G uinness br ewery in I reland. Within a fe w
months, the G uinness team had built and shipped, fr om Dublin, a
dark-paneled, prefabricated, late-Victorian pub, complete with brass
trim and ornate railings. The place is so authentic that after about an
hour and a fe w drinks, ev en the S panish-language speakers seem to
develop a br ogue. Expect a winning combination of bar and dining
space. Seven kinds of beer, plus cider, are on tap, and Irish breakfasts
(bacon, sausage, tomato, black-and-white pudding, baked beans, and
two fried eggs) ar e available at all hours. O ther menu items include
shepherd's pie, steak and G uinness pie, grilled lamb cutlets, shrimp
and chips, and such island food as F idel's chicken curry and Cuban-
style pork tenderloin. An Irish breakfast costs CI$11; sandwiches and
salads range from CI$9.50 to CI$12. Main-course platters range from
CI$10 to CI$17. The bar is open M onday to F riday from 10am to
1am, Saturday and S unday 7am to midnight. The kitchen closes at
11pm. I n the Queens C ourt Shopping Plaza.
& 345/949-5189. www .
Lone Star Bar & Grill You can enjoy juicy burgers in the dining
room or head for the bar in back at this transplanted corner of theTexas
Panhandle. Here, beneath murals of Lone S tar beauties, y ou can sip
lime or strawberr y margaritas and watch sev eral sports events simulta-
neously on 14 TV scr eens. M onday and Thursday ar e fajita nights,
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