Java Reference
In-Depth Information
TABLE 1.2 The Java Operators
Symbol and Precedence
expression++ , expression--
++expression , --expression
+ , - , ~ , !
Unary operators
* , / , %
+ , -
<< , >> , >>>
Shift operators
< , > , <= , >= , instanceof
Relational operators
== , !=
Equal to/not equal to
& , ^ , |
Bitwise AND, exclusive OR, inclusive OR
&& , ||
Logical AND, OR
? :
Ternar y operator
= += -= *= /= %= &= ^= |= <<= >>= >>>=
Assignment operators
The SCJP exam objectives specifi cally mention the following operators:
Assignment operators: =, += and -=
Arithmetic operators: + , - , * , / , % , ++ , and --
< , <= , > , >= , == , and !=
The instanceof operator
Bitwise and logical operators: & , | , ^ , ! , && , and ||
The conditional operator (?:)
The upcoming sections discuss each of these categories of operators and the details that
you need to know about the operators for the SCJP exam.
Relational operators:
The Assignment Operators
Java has 12 assignment operators : the simple assignment = and 11 compound assignment
operators : += , -= , *= , and so on. An assignment stores the result of the right-hand side of
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