Java Reference
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for(String s : list) {
All three String objects share the same fi rst character, so their second character
determines the ordering. Because E comes before e , “hEllo” comes before both “hello”
and “hellothere“ . Because “hello” and “hellothere” do not contain a different
character to determine their order, “hello” comes fi rst because it is the shorter String .
The output of the previous statements is
Sorting a list using the natural ordering requires each element in the List object to
implement the Comparable interface and also that each element in the list be mutually
comparable. For example, the following code does not compile. Can you see why?
6. List<Object> items = new ArrayList<Object>();
7. items.add(“Java”);
8. items.add(new Integer(123));
9. Collections.sort(items);
Lines 6-8 are valid and compile fi ne. The compiler error occurs at line 9. Because the
Collections.sort method uses a generic type of <T extends Comparable<? super T> ,
only List objects whose generic type implements Comparable can be an argument for
the sort method. The Object class does not implement Comparable , so line 9 generates the
following compiler error: cannot find symbol
symbol : method sort(java.util.List<java.lang.Object>)
location: class java.util.Collections
The compiler is complaining that it cannot fi nd a version of sort in Collections that
takes in a List<Object> . Java generics are working their magic in this example, enforcing
data type rules at compile time to avoid issues at runtime. If line 9 compiled successfully,
then invoking sort would cause the String object “Java” to be compared to the Integer
object wrapping 123 , which would result in a ClassCastException at runtime because
“Java” and 123 are not mutually comparable.
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