Java Reference
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C h a p t e r
Collections and
Given a design scenario, determine which collection
classes and/or interfaces should be used to prop-
erly implement that design, including the use of the
Comparable interface.
Distinguish between correct and incorrect overrides
of corresponding hashCode and equals methods, and
explain the difference between = = and the equals
Write code that uses the generic versions of the
Collections API, in particular, the Set, List, and Map
interfaces and implementation classes. Recognize the
limitations of the non-generic Collections API and how to
refactor code to use the generic versions. Write code that
uses the NavigableSet and NavigableMap interfaces.
Develop code that makes proper use of type parameters
in class/interface declarations, instance variables,
method arguments, and return types; and write generic
methods or methods that make use of wildcard types
and understand the similarities and differences between
these two approaches.
Use capabilities in the java.util package to write code to
manipulate a list by sorting, performing a binary search,
or converting the list to an array. Use capabilities in the
java.util package to write code to manipulate an array
by sorting, performing a binary search, or converting the
array to a list. Use the java.util.Comparator and java.lang
.Comparable interfaces to affect the sorting of lists and
arrays. Furthermore, recognize the effect of the “natural
ordering” of primitive wrapper classes and java.lang
.String on sorting.
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