Java Reference
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For example, the following statement avoids the ClassCastException from the previous
example by using the instanceof operator to determine the runtime type of the reference
mypet :
Pet mypet = new Dog(“Fido”, 2);
if(mypet instanceof Cat) {
((Cat) mypet).eat();
} else if(mypet instanceof Dog) {
((Dog) mypet).eat();
If mypet points to a Cat , we cast it to a Cat before invoking eat . If mypet points to a
Dog , we cast it to a Dog before invoking eat . The previous statements compile and run
successfully without a ClassCastException ever occurring.
The casting might seem odd, and you might be wondering why we don't just make the
mypet reference be of type Dog instead of Pet . The answer is that there are many real-world
situations in Java where a parent class reference is used to point to a child object, including
polymorphic parameters and heterogeneous collections, which I discuss next.
Polymorphic Parameters
A common use of polymorphism is with polymorphic parameters of a method. If a method
parameter is a class type, the argument passed in can be any child type of the class as well.
For example, the following Vet class contains a vaccinate method that takes in a Pet
public class Vet {
public void vaccinate(Pet pet) {
if(pet instanceof Dog) {
System.out.println(“Vaccinating a dog”);
Dog dog = (Dog) pet;
//use the dog reference
} else if(pet instanceof Cat) {
System.out.println(“Vaccinating a cat”);
Cat cat = (Cat) pet;
//use the cat reference
The argument passed into vaccinate can certainly be a Pet object, but you can also
pass in a Cat object, a Dog object, or any other object that is a child class of Pet . The
result is often a parent class reference pointing to a child class object, and we can use
the instanceof operator if we need to cast the reference to its appropriate child class type,
as demonstrated in the vaccinate method.
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